Here is our soup du jour! I love the look of a raw egg in my ttukbaegi, a traditional Korean hot pot. Ttukbaegi makes a perfect cooking and serving ware for most Korean guk (soups) or jjigye (stew), as it naturally retains heat for a long time and keep foods warm until you finish. Soon after taking this photo, we buried the egg under the tofu so that it slowly cooks while we spoon off tofus from the top. Enjoy~ :D
For 2 servings
Soup Broth:
dry anchovies (6)
dry kelps (2)
water (1 cup)
red pepper oil (1 tbl)
chili powder (1 tbl)
sesame oil (1/2 tbl)
garlic (3, minced)
salted shrimp sauce (1/2 tbl)
clams (2-3)
onion (1/4 cup, chopped)
kimchi (1/4 cup, chopped)
mushrooms (2, sliced)
scallion or leek (1/2 stalk, sliced)
jalepeno and/or red pepper (1/4, sliced)
soft tofu (1 pack)
egg (1, raw)







Related Recipe:
Soft Tofu Soup
hello~i looove kimchi soon duboo and yours looks really delicious. i like all your step by step photos.
Hi! My mom is one of those from the mother land that dipped her kimchi in water before she ate it. (Blasphemy! I know) Anyways, she never enjoy eating soon duboo and therefore I never learned how to make it. Thanks so much for you post. I'm plan on trying it very soon!
you have the best recipes!! please update again soon!
Hi all!
Thanks for your kind comments. And, i give my apology for delayed reponse. I have so many new korean food recipes in my hard drive right now anxciously waiting to be posted. I just didn't have time to upload them yet. Please check back again soon for new recipes. Thanks all!
Thanks so much for posting the tofu soup. I love love love soft tofu soup. I've been searching for an authentic recipe with a secret ingredient... yours have two! Picture perfect - can't wait to try it. Will let you know how it turns out.
Migi, just made the soup last night and, oh boy was it delicious. I'm so happy to have found the perfect tofu soup recipe. My husband said that it's better than at all the local restaurants we've frequented. Thank you again.
Hi, can I substitute dry anchovies for anchovy sauce when making the broth? - Korean food enthusiast.
Thanks for the compliments! While I love going to soft-tofu restaurants (in LA Koreatown), I do think there's something special about home-made foods that is absent in restaurant foods :D
Sorry for my late response. Here is my mother-in-law's answer to your question: No, you can't substitute anchovy sauce in place of using dry anchovies. Anchovy sauce is used when making kimchi or other similar (fermented) Korean dishes. For soft-tofu soup, you want to add use little bit of salted shrimp sauce though. According to her, salted shrimp sauce goes very well with any kind of tofu based foods. I hope this is helpful!
Hey !
I really love Soft Tofu Soup
and i like your Homepage.
I havn't eaten Soft Tofu Soup since i've been to California in March. And I ate Tofu Soup in Irvine and it has been sooooo good !
Now, i wanna try to prepare Soft Tofu Soup by myself with your instructions. I just have to order Kimchi online, 'cause you can't really get Kimchi in german stores... I hope it succeeds. But thanks for your good instrucions !
Annie, I can imagine this soft tofu soup would make a great meal for the weather in Germany these days. We were in Germany last November and I remember the weather was like snow-rainy more than half of the time. If you come to California, be sure to check out the famous Bookchangdong Soft-Tofu soup place in LA Koreatown.
Should I remove the anchovies and kelp once the broth is boiled?
Yes, you should remove the kelp immediately after the water starts boiling. You can leave the anchovies a little longer.
Hello Migi, I'm just wondering. Why do we need to remove the kelp immediately after the water boils?
Thanks ^^
Hi Szelle, if kelp is left too long after boil, it tends to leave bitter taste, but this could be a personal preference and I've seen some people leave it in for a longer period of tome.
great post. I have been looking for quite a while for a good recipe. Yours is great with a lot of details and many pictures
Here in Hawaii we have a zillion Korean places to eat but it's nice making our own kimchi soon duboo. Your recipe is great w/all the pictures you have and the step by step process. Thank you. I am making it TONIGHT!!!!!
This is now my favorite food.
Thank you very much Migi. Your instructions were simple, and thorough. My mom didn't have the stuff for the soup base so she just did a vege one but it's still TOTALLY DELICIOUS. We also put beef, beef trip(which was absolutely heavenly), and soo much more. I loved it, plus none of my family members really could stand the Hot Pot's hottness, I had first dip for like the whole entire meal. =3
Hi hulagirl and Lambo - thanks for sharing your comments! So hulagirl, did you succeed? :)
Hi Migi, I have learn alots of things from your site. Thx for your making this site for another cultures can Korean delicious food
@Ivy, thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment here. Come back soon for more recipes ;)
my wife loves the step by step instructions with pics. she can finally cook me something other than kimchi jigae. also i can just imagine you having your husband snap pictures at every step. ^^
I LOVE the spicy tofu soup at this particular Korean restaurant and tried to make it at home. After trying 3 other recipes and not being able to achieve the taste/flavor, I finally gave in and went to buy the dried anchovies, dried kelp and salted shrimp sauce to try your recipe. It was SO worth buying the extra ingredients b/c my soup finally has that authentic "Korean" taste that the other 3 lacked, and I would say it's almost identical to my favorite tofu soup! The restaurant's soup is just slightly saltier, but that can be fixed easily. I am so happy. I've made it 3x already. Thank you very much for being so generous in sharing your recipe. This is THE recipe, everyone!
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