Seoul Gom Tang
Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA
Min and I were out all day shopping on a rainy day (few weeks ago), and I was being cranky from being hungry and tired. I really didn't feel like cooking at the end of a tiring day. So, we decided to eat out. On rainy days, there's nothing that makes you warmer than hot steamy soups. Seoul Gom-Tang in Oakland specializes in hot-pot Korean soups. Min's favorite from Seoul Gom Tang is bugaguk, dry pollack soup. I ordered sulungtang, beef soup. It was perfect for the weather.
i like this soupy dish and also Tofu Steak..will be dropping by more often :)
Do you have recipes for both these soup dishes in the Oakland restaurant please? They look so yummy!
New York
Rose, I do have a recipe for the pollak soup. Stay tuned ~ :)
Can't wait for it. Thanks!
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