Gogumamotang used to be one of my favorite side dishes when I was little. But sometime in the past few years I lost my sweet tooth, and my usual craving for gogumamotang never came back. It saddens me whenever I find something I used to love so much as a child doesn't delight me any more. It feels like growing 'old' not up. So this time, determined to reproduce good memories again, I made it again but using less sugar than usual. With less sugar, it came out to be perfect to my grown-up taste and just sweet as I remembered as a child.
Ingredients for 4 Servings
Asian sweet potatoes (4-5)
sugar (2-3 tbl)
water (7 tbl)
sesame seeds (1/2 tbl, black)
oil (1 tbl, and additional oil for deep-frying)







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Sweet Potato Fries
If I can get my hands on some Korean sweet potoatoes, I'll definitely make this soon.
Hi Renee, I just got a brilliant idea. If you send me a picture of your dish, I'll post it on this blog. :D
I wonder, do these have a crisp outside and soft inside. I had something like this once or twice and it was to die for. I loved it.
Yes this is it, Kris.
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