Easy clear soup recipe that anyone can make. This soup is very convenient to serve because it can be served either hot or chilled. When it's served cold, a bowl of bean sprout soup could taste very refreshing. I usually make this in a large quantity and serve it hot on the first day, and then from the second day and onward I simply take it out of the refrigerator and serve it chilled. Enjoy simple cooking :D
Ingredients for 1 serving:
bean sprout (1 bag or 300g)
water (5 cup)
scallion (1 stalk)
garlic (1 tsp, minced)
salt (1/2 tbl)
sesame oil (1 tbl)







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In Korean, is this called 콩나물 국수 ? (I am guessing)
you were close. this is called "콩나물국".
"국" means soup and "국수" means noodle soup.
I just tried making it, and it was super super easy. it's nice and simple with the flavor, and can go well with most of the foods that I make already ^_^
am I just really blind, or did you not specify when to add the salt? or was that an optional "to taste" ingredient for when we've finished making it?
I will definitely try this one. I always love your weblog for those fantastic recipes you're sharing. The recipes which you are sharing may be very tasty and additionally easy to make. keep sharing such unique recipes. Your dishes are very attractive and looks yummy.
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